日前Fifty Shades Freed《格雷五十道陰影:自由》發行了電影原聲帶第二首歌曲Capital Letters,由曾演過《歌喉讚2》新生代女星海莉史坦菲德Hailee Steinfeld演唱。
Capital Letters 與你永結同心(歌詞)
Never was a leader 從來就沒領導過別人
Never had a thing for fairytales沒有那些閃亮亮美麗的童話夢境
Not really a believer, oh-oh也不是個虔誠的信徒
Small voice in the quiet 但在心中的暗處,卻總有一個小聲音
Guess I never dared to know myself 我猜我大概永遠不會有勇氣認識我自己吧
Can my heart beat quiet? No好希望我能不這麼緊張、害怕
But then there was you (but then there was you) 在這時,你出現了
Yeah, then there was you在這時,你出現了
Pull me out of the crowd將我帶到人群中
You were telling the truth (you were telling the truth) 你總是只說實話,無論多麼傷人
Yeah (yeah, yeah) 是的
I got something to say now我現在必須說點什麼
‘Cause you tell me that there’s no way I couldn’t go因為你告訴我,沒有路是不能走的
Nothing I couldn’t do沒有事情是我不能做的
I want to get louder我想大聲說出口
I got to get louder我必須要大聲說出口
We ’bout to go up baby, up we go*2 寶貝,我們必須一起突破困難,一起突破困難*2
We’re blowing out speakers我們要震破音響,大聲說出來
Our heart a little clearer讓我們的心思能稍微乾淨點
We ’bout to go up baby, up we go*2 寶貝,我們必須一起突破困難*2
For worst or for better無論情況是好是壞
Gonna give it to you我都願意
In capital letters與你永結同心
We put a crack in the shadows在黑夜中,我們不斷努力
And you tell me it’s okay to be the light你告訴我總告訴我會有機會發光發熱的
And not to swim in the shallows還有別在淺灘中游泳
No, no不行
And I wanna get drunk with you我想與你一起喝醉
When we lie so still, but you’re taking me places當我們彼此靜默,躺在床上,你仍總是替我著想
Holding me onto you緊緊的抱著我
And we don’t care who’s watching us, baby寶貝,我不在意誰正在看著我們
But then there was you (but then there was you) 在這時,你出現了
Yeah, then there was you在這時,你出現了
Pull me out of the crowd將我帶到人群中
You were telling the truth (you were telling the truth) 你總是只說實話,無論多麼傷人
Yeah (yeah, yeah) 是的
I got something to say now我現在必須說點什麼
‘Cause you tell me that there’s no way I couldn’t go因為你告訴我,沒有路是不能走的
Nothing I couldn’t do沒有事情是我不能做的
I want to get louder我想大聲說出口
I got to get louder我必須要大聲說出口
We ’bout to go up baby, up we go*2寶貝,我們必須一起突破困難,一起突破困難*2
We’re blowing out speakers我們要震破音響,大聲說出來
Our heart a little clearer讓我們的心思能稍微乾淨點
We ’bout to go up baby, up we g*2 寶貝,我們必須一起突破困難*2
For worst or for better無論情況是好是壞
Gonna give it to you我都願意
In capital letters*3與你永結同心*3
Gonna give it to you*3我願意*3
1. capital (n.) 首都;資本;大寫字母
venture capital 創業投資
working capital 營運資金
例:Taipei is the capital city of Taiwan. 台北市是台灣首都。
2. crowd (n.) 人群 (v.) 擠滿,聚集
例:The police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. 警察發散催淚瓦斯驅趕群眾。
3. crack (v.) 爆裂;破解
例:I cracked some eggs into a pan. 我打了一些蛋在平底鍋裡。
4. shallow (n.) (adj.) 淺的;膚淺的;淺灘
例:Please help please the meat in a shallow dish. 請幫忙把肉放在淺盤中。
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