農曆新年旺旺旺 教你美語怎麼說


農曆新年百無禁忌,狗年繼續旺旺旺 Chinese New Year's Day Taboos

1. Medicine

Taking medicine on the first day of the lunar year means one will get ill for a whole year. 農曆新年第一天切勿服藥,否則整年都會病懨懨的喔!

2. New Year's breakfast

Porridge should not be eaten because it is considered that only poor people have porridge for breakfast - and people don't want to start the year “poor”. 春節期間勿吃粥;粥表「窮苦」。

3. Laundry

People do not wash clothes on the first and second day because these two days are celebrated as the birthday of Shuishen, the Water God. 新年前兩天切勿洗衣,因為是水神的生日。

4. Sharp objects

The use of knives and scissors is to be avoided as any accident is thought to lead to inauspicious things and the depletion of wealth. 春節期間切勿使用尖銳物品,躲開意外,迎向財富。

5. The broom

If you sweep on this day then your wealth will be swept away too. 新年不打掃,財富留在家。

6. Crying children

The cry of a child is believed to bring bad luck to the family so parents do their best to keep children as happy as possible. 讓家裡的小朋友開心過年,喜氣洋洋。

7. Debt

Money should not be lent on New Year’s Day and all debts have to be paid by New Year’s Eve. If someone owes you money, do not go to their home to demand it. Anyone who does so will be unlucky all year. 春節期間不欠債,亦不討債。

8. An empty rice jar

A depleted receptacle may cause grave anxiety as the cessation of cooking during the New Year period is considered to be an ill omen. 春節期間,飯鍋滿滿,福氣滿載。

9. Damaged clothes

Wearing threadbare garments can cause more bad luck for the year. 新年新衣迎接好運氣。

10. Monochrome fashion

White or black clothes are barred as these two colours are traditionally associated with mourning. 農曆期間不穿黑或白色的衣服。

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