The game is played in turns, in clockwise order. The Sheriff begins. Each player's turn is divided into three phases.
1. Draw two cards
◆ The active player draws the top two cards from the draw pile. He or she must do this at the beginning of his or her turn. As soon as the draw pile is empty, shuffle the discard pile to create a new playing deck. Some characters have abilities that vary the number of cards drawn per turn.
2. Play any number of cards.
◆ Now the player may play to help himself or hurt the other players, trying to eliminate them. He is not forced to play cards during this phase. Any number of cards may be played; there are only two limitations.
◆ Only one BANG! card may be played per turn (unless there is an effect that allows them to play more than one).
◆ No player can ever have two identical cards face up in front of him.
Each player can only have one weapon at a time. If you want to play a new weapon card when you already have one, you must discard the one you already have. This is explicitly noted in page 3 of the rules.
When a card is played, just follow the symbols on it. Cards can be played only during your turn (with the exception of Beer, Bang! and Missed!).
3. Discard excess cards.
Once the second phase is over (you do not want to or cannot play any more cards), then you must discard from your hand any cards exceeding your hand size limit.
1. in turns (phr.) 依照回合制 / turn-based(a.)回合制的
Bang is a classic turn-based board game. Every player has to play in turns.
2. clockwise (adj./adv.) 順時鐘方向的
3. phase (n.)階段
4. draw (v.)抽牌
You may draw 3 cards in this phase.
5. pile (n.)一堆
A card is missing in that pile of cards.
6. shuffle (v.)洗牌
I have a pretty bad hand. Did you shuffle the cards?
7. discard (v.)丟棄
I want to discard the joker.我想丟掉鬼牌。
8. deck (n.)牌組
9. character (n.)腳色
10. effect (n.)效果/特殊效果
The blue-bordered cards have long-lasting effects.
11. face up (phr.)面朝上(翻開的牌) / face down面朝下(蓋著的牌)
play a new weapon card : 此處的play近似於use(使用)。
12. symbol (n.) 符號
13. hand (n.)手牌
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