可可夜總會”Coco” 是最近很熱門的動畫電影 - 電影的背景是墨西哥的亡
Day of the Dead (known as Día de Muertos in Spanish) is celebrated in Mexico between October 31st and November 2nd. On this holiday, Mexicans remember and honor their deceased loved ones. It's not a gloomy or morbid occasion, rather it is a festive and colorful holiday celebrating the lives of those who have passed on. Mexicans visit cemeteries, decorate the graves and spend time there, in the presence of their deceased friends and family members.
首先要知道一件事:亡靈節(西班牙文:Día de los Muertos)並非墨西哥版的萬聖節,雖然兩者有些關聯,但相關傳統和氣氛差很多。萬聖節是恐懼和搗蛋的黑暗夜晚;而亡靈節長達兩天,以斑斕的色彩展現對生命的喜悅,以及對死去親人的敬愛。墨西哥各地的人穿上怪裝參加遊行和派對,載歌載舞向亡者獻上祭品。
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