Thousands of years ago, there was a ferocious beast, Nien. Nien is usually portrayed as a cross between a tiger and a dragon. This beast lived deep in the ocean. It was asleep most of the time, it was awake only on the last day of a year. It then began its hunt for food : humans. The very night, people lived in terror.
幾千年前,有一隻可怕的野獸 : 年獸。年獸通常是被描繪成老虎跟龍的樣子。這隻野獸住在深海當中。牠大部分時間都在睡覺,牠只會在一年的最後一天醒來。然後他就開始獵捕獵物:人類。那一晚,人們都活在恐懼當中。
One year on that night, a traveler came to town, looking for food and shelter. Everyone was far too busy packing to pay him any kindness. Seeing this poor traveler, an old lady invited him to her place and offered him a place to sleep. To show his gratitude, he bestowed a secret way to ward off the monster : loud noises and the color red. Knowing what Nien was afraid of, people no longer lived in fear.
某一年的那晚,一位旅行者來到了一座鎮上,尋找食物與棲身處。但大家都忙著打包行囊,無暇招呼。看到這位可憐的旅行者,一位老婦人邀請他到家裡,並提供他可以睡覺的地方。為表達感激之意,他提供了一個可以驅趕年獸的方法 : 噪音以及紅色。在知道年獸的弱點後,人們便不再恐懼了。
1. 貼春聯 stick spring couplets
People stick spring couplets on the side of the door during Spring Festival.
The couplets are usually written on red paper. They write about what they wish to accomplish in the coming year.
2. 守歲stay up
Legend has it that a fearsome beast called “Nien” appeared to hunt people at night during the Spring Festival. Therefore, it has become a tradition to stay up during the festival.
3. 拜年visit relatives
According to the “Nien Beast” legend, people visited their relatives and friends during the New Year in order to make sure that they survived the hunt.
Nowadays, people visit relatives simply to catch up with each other.
4. 放鞭炮light firecrackers
People light firecrackers during the festival. This tradition is largely associated with Nien the beast. It is said that Nien was frightened of loud noises, so people set off firecrackers to ward off the beast.
1. 年夜飯reunion dinner (字義 : 團圓飯)
The evening before New Year’s Day is an occasion for all families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.
2. 大掃除thoroughly clean the house / do a spring cleaning (字義:徹底清潔屋子/春季掃除)
People thoroughly clean their houses before the Spring Festival.
It is believed that by doing a spring cleaning, all the bad fortune will be driven out.
3. 辦年貨do the New Year shopping (字義 : 新年購物)
People do the New Year shopping a few days before New Year’s Eve in preparation for the reunion dinner.
4. 壓歲錢pocket money/lucky money (字義 : 零用錢/幸運錢)
Family elders give pocket money to the younger ones during the festival. That’s why
all kids love this festival so much.
5. 拜拜venerate the gods (字義 : 祭拜神明)
Like many other regions in the world, people in Taiwan visit temples and shrines to venerate the gods, religious or not.
大家都知道春節的英文是Chinese New Year/Spring Festival,那除夕、壓歲錢、紅包、你知道怎麼講嗎?
We worship the gods every day during Chinese New Year.
There is a great family reunion every year in our family.
看看Panda Express(熊貓快餐)是怎麼介紹春節的呢?
1. 請問片中介紹的三種料理是哪些呢?
2. 片中出現的怪物害怕的三樣東西是什麼呢?
3. 片中是用哪個形容詞來形容「龍」跟「猴子」呢?
第一題:片中介紹的料理,分別為egg roll, chow mein, 以及 shrimp。
Egg roll是蛋捲,roll本身就是捲的意思。因此,春捲就叫做spring roll
chow mein,就是炒麵。西方本來沒有這種料理,因此直接用中文音譯。
第二題:片中出現的年獸害怕的三個東西,分別為loud noises, fire, 以及 color red。
第三題:片中用了honest as a dragon (像龍一樣的誠實) 和 smart as a monkey(像猴子一樣聰明) 來形容這兩種動物。因此是honest以及smart!!
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