閱讀時除了假主詞和形容詞子句會來亂之外,還有倒裝句也會教人「丈二金剛」 (令人摸不著頭緒)。
→Should emergencies happen during the flight, keep calm and follow flight attendants instructions.
在英文中假設語氣的正式用法會將 should 放到句首並且替代 if 使用。
If emergencies happen during the flight, keep calm and follow flight attendant instructions.
Should 代表了萬一的意思,放在句首並且替代了 if。
→Not until that moment, did I realize that we ran the cash too low in our account.
I didn’t realize that we ran the cash too low in our account until that moment.
→Without further ado, let us welcome Dr. Aye and her speech.
Let us welcome Dr. Aye and her speech without further ado.
Without further ado被拉到開頭有兩個用意。
一是強調,二是把without further ado拉得離 welcome 近一點。
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