1. have a crush on someone (片語) 對某人著迷,青少年流行語
A: I’m crushing on Sam so bad!
B: Really? Why don’t you ask him out on a date?”
2. Will you like to go out with me? 你願意跟我出去嗎?
Would you like to go out with me?
A: I am wondering if you would like to go out with me Saturday night. There’s a great
movie to be released.
B: Sure. I would love to go!
3. Be Mine (片) 情人節限定節慶用語,等同於I’m into you! 或Will you be my Valentine?
You can write ‘Be Mine’ like on every other Valentine’s Day card.
來自電影《真愛挑日子》(One day) 2011的經典台詞
Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today. I’ll always remember it.
Affection is when you see someone’s strength; love is when you accept someone’s flaws.
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